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English authors: novelists, poets and playwrights

Famous English novelists, poets, playwrights and essayists; British (UK) writers. A website reference list

English-language writers and poets name index:
For a fuller list of authors and posts see: Main Author Index


Agard, John

Ayckbourn, Alan

Martin Amis. Martin Amis Web. Commentary, interviews, articles.

Amis, Martin

Andrewes, Lancelot

Auden, W. H.

Austen, Jane

Works by Jane Austen


Ballard, J. G.

Banville, John

Barnes, Julian

Beckett, Samuel

Betjeman, Sir John

Blake, William

Bogarde, Sir Dirk

Brontë Sisters

The Bronte Parsonage Museum, The Bronte Society.
A blog devoted to the lives and writings of the Brontë sisters. The blog is updated daily with all kind of informations, news and anything Brontë-related happening around the world.
Bronte sisters, Wikipedia entries.
Emily Bronte
Charlotte Bronte

Brooke, Rupert

Browne, Sir Thomas

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett

Browning, Robert

Bunyan, John

Burgess, Anthony

Butler, Samuel

Byatt, A. S.

Byron, Lord George Gordon

Byron, Lord George Gordon. Lord Byron, biography and works.
Centre for Byron Studies
Located in the School of English at the University of Nottingham, the Centre is a forum for research on Byron and Romanticism
The Byron Society
This site includes details about The Byron Journal, the Society’s annual publication, also activities organised by the society and subscription details.
Newstead Abbey
Nottingham City Council’s website about Newstead Abbey
The Byron Discussion ListHomepage of the Byron internet discussion list.
Lord Byron. Wikipedia entry.
Lord Byron. Byronmania. A Web Site of Fact and Fiction about George Gordon Lord Byron,
6th Baron Byron of Rochdale.
Lord Byron. A Comprehensive Study of Byron’s Life and Work.


Carroll, Lewis (Henry Dobson)

Carter, Angela

Chatwin, Bruce

Chaucer, Geoffrey

Chesterton, G K

Clare, John

Cleveland, John

Conrad, Joseph


Cowper, William

Crashaw, Richard

Richard Crashaw (1613-1649)
Biography, works and web resources for the metaphysical poet.

Cummings, E E


Defoe, Daniel

de Quincey, Thomas

Dickens, Charles

Donne, John

Doyle, Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle. Wikipedia entry.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Home Page
The Official web site of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Literaray Estate. Including a specially written biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and detailed background information.
The Chronicles of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Learn about the life and work of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Site includes quotes, games and little-known facts.
Arthur Conan Doyle. Biography and Works. Search Texts
Arthur Conan Doyle, an introduction and bibliography.
The Arthur Conan Doyle Society Home Page
The Sherlock Holmes Museum
Archival material relating to Arthur Conan Doyle at the UK National Register of Archives.
Works by Arthur Conan Doyle. Project Gutenberg
Works by or about Arthur Conan Doyle in libraries.
Works at Project Gutenberg Australia
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, full text with embedded audio.

Dryden, John

Duffy, Carol Ann

Carol Ann Duffy
Contemporary Writers
Carol Ann Duffy. 

Durrell, Lawrence


Eliot, George

Eliot, T S


Faber, Michel

Faulks, Sebastian

Fielding, Henry

Forster, E M

Fowles, John

Francis, Dick

Fuller, Roy


Gissing, George Robert

Graves, Robert

Gray, Simon


Hamilton, Ian

Hamilton, Patrick

Hardy, Thomas

Harrison, Tony

Heaney, Seamus

Hill, Geoffrey

Hollinghurst, Allan

Hughes, Ted

Huxley, Aldous


Imhla, Mick

Ishiguro, Kazuo


James, Henry

Johnson, Samuel

Joyce, James (James Augustine Aloysius Joyce)


Kay, Jackie

Keats, John

Kipling, Rudyard


Larkin, Philip Arthur

Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert Lawrence)

Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples Lewis)


Machen, Arthur

Marlowe, Christopher

The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus From the Quarto of 1616 by Christopher Marlowe
The Jew of Malta
Tamburlaine, etext of part I
Tamburlaine, etext of part II

Marvell, Andrew

Maugham, Somerset

McCarthy, Tom

McCough, Roger

McEwan, Ian

Milton, John

Milton, John. The Milton-L Homepage, devoted to the life, literature and times of John Milton. Articles, reviews, poems.
John Milton. Luminarium  Milton page. Quotes, essays, works.
John Milton Reading Room
An online, almost fully annotated, collection of all of Milton’s poetry and selections of his prose.
Milton, John. Paradise Lost  University of Virginia etext
John Milton. Paradise Regain’d (Paradise Regained)
John Milton, Wikipedia entry.Open Milton
An open set of Milton’s works, together with ancillary information and tools, in a form designed for reuse, launched on Milton’s 400th Birthday by the Open Knowledge Foundation.
The Poetical Works of John Milton,
edited after the Original Texts by the Rev. H.C. Beeching
The Prose Works of John Milton.
With a Biographical Introduction by Rufus Wilmot Griswold. In Two Volumes

Mitchell, David

Moore, George

Moore, Marianne

Morris, William

Mortimer, Sir John

Motion, Andrew

Nabokov, Vladimir

Naipaul, Sir V (idiadhar) S(urajprasad)


Owen, Wilfred


Peake Mervyn

Poe, Edgar Allan

Pope, Alexander

Porter, Peter

Powell, Anthony

Priestley, J. B.


Rankin, Ian

Rhodes, Dan

Rushdie, Salmon

Ruskin, John

Russell, George

Sackville-West, Vita


St. Aubyn, Edward

Shakespeare, William

Shelley, Mary

Shelley, Percy

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley

Smollett, Tobias

Spenser, Edward

Sterne, Laurence

Stevenson, Anne

Stevenson, Robert Louis

Swift, Jonathon

Swinburne, Algernon Charles

Symons, Arthur


Tempest, Kate

Tennyson, Alfred Lord

Thackeray, William Macpeace

Thomas, Dylan Marlais

Thomas, Edward

Thomas, R. S.

Thwaite, Anthony

Tóibín, Colm

Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel Tolkien)

Tomlinson, Charles


Vaughan, Henry

Henry Vaughan
Henry Vaughan
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature
Henry Vaughan
Wikipedia entry.


Webb, Mary (Mary Gladys Meredith)

Wesker, Arnold

Wilde, Oscar

Wilmot, John

Winterson, Jeanette

Wodehouse, P. G.

Woolf, Virginia

Wordsworth, William


Yeats, William Butler

Young, Edward


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Culegere de folclor din jud. Vâlcea și împrejurimi - G. F. Ciaușanu, G. Fira și C. M. Popescu

   Culegere de folclor din jud. Vâlcea și împrejurimi Responsabilitate/atribuire: G. F. Ciaușanu, G. Fira și C. M. Popescu Autor:Gheorghe F. Ciaușanu, (1889-1953);          Gheorghe Fira, (1886-1936) Academia Romana - Din vieata poporului român Cultura Română, Bucuresti, 1928 Numărul de pagini 218   Cartea se poate citi aici  Culegere de folclor din județul Vâlcea şi împrejurimi

BERCIU, Dumitru - Buridava dacică, 1981

BERCIU, Dumitru - Buridava dacică, 1981 Realizatori: BERCIU, Dumitru (autor) Anul publicației: 1981 Publicată de: Institutul de Arheologie "Vasile Pârvan", Institutul de Arheologie București Contributori: Institutul de Arheologie "Vasile Pârvan" Editura: Academiei R.S.R Localitatea: București Colecția: Biblioteca de arheologie XL Tip publicație: carte           Lucrarea istoricului și arheologului Dumitru Berciu (n. 27 ianuarie 1907, Bobaița, Mehedinți – d. 1 iulie 1998, București) cuprinde informații de specialitate privitoare la cercetările arheologice efectuate la Buridava, cetatea tribului geto-dacic al burilor (Ocnele Mari, județul Vâlcea). Este prezentat materialul arheologic descoperit, dar și cadrul fizico-geografic. Cercetările au fost făcute sub egida Muzeului de istorie al județului Vâlcea, Institutului de arheologie din București și a Institutului de tracologie. Cartea cuprinde numeroase fotografii și desene.

Biserici din Vâlcea - Brătulescu Victor (I) 1937

       Brătulescu Victor, Biserici din Vâlcea (I), Buletinul Comisiunii Monumentelor Istorice, An. 30, 1937,april-iunie, p. 49-65. Se poate citi la adresa  Biserici din Vâlcea Biblioteca Digitală Biblioteca Centrală Universitară Mihai Eminescu Iași